Life Links is a specialised program for children 8-13 who are impacted by a range of personal barriers. who have often experienced significant developmental trauma and who may not have experienced success in normative environments. Life Links works to support healthy and positive social connection, build personal and very individual capacities, strengthen vulnerable children in order to have the personal resources and capability to experience successful future pathways. Life Links operates in a therapeutic, trauma-informed framework understanding the impacts of developmental trauma, disability, poor mental and physical health on brain development, nervous systems, confidence, personal success and the sense of belonging.
We provide wrap-around case management for all Life Links participants offering pathways development, secondary referrals, care team participation, needs and barrier reports based on our trauma recovery programming, community connection and individual support ensuring the development of personal capability, growth, increased autonomy, health and wellbeing and personal safety.
Life Links programs are approved through the NDIS